# Define a function for formatting numbers
comma <- function(x, d = 2) format(x, digits = d, big.mark = ",")
library(readxl)  # for reading excel data
library(haven)  # for reading SPSS data
library(ROCit)  # for ROC analysis
library(modelsummary)  # for summarizing data

Classification Accuracy

Data analyzed in this paper:

tmp_path <- tempfile(fileext = "xlsx")  # temporary file
download.file("", destfile = tmp_path)
dat1 <- readxl::read_xlsx(tmp_path, na = "NA")
dat1$asd <- recode(
    dat1$`Diagnosis(1=Non-typically developing; 2=ASD; 3=Neurotypical)`,
    `1` = "Non-TD",
    `2` = "ASD",
    `3` = "TD"
# Filter out Neurotypical
dat1_sub <- filter(dat1, asd != "TD")

First, sum the 16 items. Note that the sum is missing if any one item is missing

dat1_sub$ADEC <- rowSums(select(dat1_sub, ADEC_I01:ADEC_I16))  # NA if any item is NA
# Or treat missing as 0
dat1_sub$ADEC_rm_na <- rowSums(select(dat1_sub, ADEC_I01:ADEC_I16), na.rm = TRUE)

Now, we can look at the distribution of ADEC sum score by diagnosis:

ggplot(dat1_sub, aes(x = ADEC)) +
    geom_histogram() +
    facet_wrap(~ asd)
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
Warning: Removed 12 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).

Classification Table

Let’s first use ADEC = 11 as cutoff. We then get the following contingency table

    table(ADEC >= 11, asd))
        ASD Non-TD
  FALSE  13     68
  TRUE   86     13

So the accuracy with this cutoff is (86 + 68) / 180 = 0.86. The sensitivity is 86 / (86 + 13) = 0.87, and the specificity is 68 / (68 + 13) = 0.84.


We can plot an ROC curve

compute_sens <- function(
    cut, x = dat1_sub$ADEC,
    crit = dat1_sub$asd == "ASD") {
    tp <- sum(x >= cut & crit, na.rm = TRUE)
    fn <- sum(x < cut & crit, na.rm = TRUE)
    tp / (tp + fn)
compute_spec <- function(
    cut, x = dat1_sub$ADEC,
    crit = dat1_sub$asd == "ASD") {
    tn <- sum(x < cut & !crit, na.rm = TRUE)
    fp <- sum(x >= cut & !crit, na.rm = TRUE)
    tn / (tn + fp)
sensitivity <- lapply(32:0, compute_sens) |>
specificity <- lapply(32:0, compute_spec) |>
data.frame(sensitivity, fpr = 1 - specificity) |>
    ggplot(aes(x = fpr, y = sensitivity)) +
    geom_point() +

dfpr <- c(diff(1 - specificity), 0)
dsens <- c(diff(sensitivity), 0)
sum(sensitivity * dfpr) + sum(dsens * dfpr) / 2
[1] 0.920626

You can also use the ROCit package

roc_adec <- rocit(dat1_sub$ADEC, class = dat1_sub$asd == "ASD")
Warning in rocit(dat1_sub$ADEC, class = dat1_sub$asd == "ASD"): NA(s) in score
and/or class, removed from the data.

 Method used: empirical   
 Number of positive(s): 99
 Number of negative(s): 81
 Area under curve: 0.9206 
   estimated AUC : 0.920626013218606                      
   AUC estimation method : empirical                      
   CI of AUC                                              
   confidence level = 95%                                 
   lower = 0.880257283328194     upper = 0.960994743109017


Data from this paper:

dat <- haven::read_sav("")
dat_red <- haven::read_sav("")

The data set contains scale scores for Neuroticism (N), Extraversion (E), Openness (O), Agreeableness (A), and Conscientiousness (C) with four methods of assessment: Self-reports (SR), from a close-other who is a female (RF), from a close-other who is a male (RM), implicit association tests (IAT), and behavioral assessment (BIH). You can see the labels in the SPSS data set using

# Loop over each column, and call `attr(which = "label")` for each column
# to obtain the label stored as an attribute
dat_labels <- lapply(dat_red, FUN = attr, which = "label")
# Put things into a table (tibble format)
tibble(variable = names(dat_red), label = unlist(dat_labels))

To make the size of the matrix a bit more manageable, we will select only E, A, and C for illustration, and with the SR, RF, and IAT methods.

Descriptive Statistics

Here are the descriptives:

var_names <- c("ESR", "ASR", "CSR", "ERF", "ARF", "CRF", "EIAT", "AIAT", "CIAT")
Unique (#) Missing (%) Mean SD Min Median Max
ESR 73 0 111.5 23.1 41.0 112.0 163.0
ASR 79 0 114.9 24.3 35.0 116.5 163.0
CSR 73 0 126.7 24.2 60.0 131.5 175.0
ERF 63 0 111.7 21.0 47.0 112.0 159.0
ARF 69 0 122.1 20.6 57.0 124.0 162.0
CRF 67 0 140.7 22.5 75.0 141.0 182.0
EIAT 146 0 0.2 0.4 −1.1 0.2 1.1
AIAT 146 0 0.5 0.4 −0.5 0.5 1.3
CIAT 146 0 0.5 0.4 −1.0 0.5 1.6

MTMM Matrix

ESR 1 . . . . . . . .
ASR .19 1 . . . . . . .
CSR .20 .31 1 . . . . . .
ERF .60 .26 .08 1 . . . . .
ARF .08 .57 .09 .24 1 . . . .
CRF .06 .17 .46 .28 .30 1 . . .
EIAT .07 −.06 .10 .01 −.03 −.01 1 . .
AIAT −.03 −.12 −.05 −.19 −.03 .02 .11 1 .
CIAT .01 .03 .08 −.12 .01 .06 .05 .28 1